"Our young people must study, acquire new knowledge, gain new skills, and skillfully and effectively employ knowledge and technology in everyday life. We need to create the opportunities and ensure the most favorable conditions for that ..."


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NIS IB announces competition for vacant positions Branch Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Nur-Sultan announces competition for vacant positions of teaching staff and equivalent: - teacher of history of Kazakhstan (language of instruction - Kazakh), Read More...
Dear pedagogical staff, students, undergraduates and doctoral candidates of the graduation courses! Autonomous educational organization "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" announces competition for vacant positions of teaching staff and equated persons in 21 branches of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Sc Read More...
Republican contest for journalists "Education in the New Reality" NIS holds a national contest for journalists specializing in educational topics once every three years. The purpose of the competition is informational support of Kazakhstan school in the new reality Read More...

School Events

NIS Astana in the Media

The grantee gave joy to children

On October 21, 2020, Zhangir Murat, an 11th grade student of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of N

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The winner of the national award «Teacher of Kazakhstan 2020» has been determined

On November 26, 2020 Dinara Beisembayeva, a chemistry teacher at Nazarbayev Intellectual School in N

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"Ұлылықтың жолында ұстаз тұрар"

On the first day of the school year, a new project for teachers, "Uldyldyk zholynda ustaz Turar," wa

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Uljan Sarsenbekova


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Nurpeis Baimukan


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NISConference 2019


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International Baccalaureate. Khabar24

Қазақ даласында алғашқы мектептер ХІХ ғасырдың соңы

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How to enroll in one of the best universities in Korea

www.inform.kz Кореяның Пусан ұлттық университетіне түсу ем

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According to NIS standards

El.kz journalists spent one day at school - Read More

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Alive Museum, NISA

Museum of live exhibits. Khabar 24kz.

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Robotics Olympiad

 Young Kazakhstani robotics will go to the international competition in Costa Rica

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VII Nauryz meetings

Khabar 24kz. Interview. VII Nauryz meetings

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Inheritors of the Great Steppe (kz)

"Inheritors of the Great Steppe" KZ version. Khabar 24kz

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Creative Concert

"Inheritors of the Great Steppe". Khabar 24kz

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About NIS

"About projects in NIS". "Taldau" program. Khabar TV

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Power of Knowledge

Dedicated to 25th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana TV

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Educational toy

"Exhibition of educational toys". "Tansholpan". "Kazakhstan" National channel

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Talented Girl

Kamila Ilimbaeva plays on 12 musical instruments. "Tansholpan". "Kazakhstan" National channel

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Comics in Kazakh

"Timur Suleimanov, who creating comics in Kazakh". "Tansholpan". "Kazakhstan" National channel

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Respect the native language

"About native language". Polina Belaya, "Tansholpan", "Kazakhstan" National channel

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Learning languages

"Learning languages" by Svetlana Achkasova. "Tansholpan". "Kazakhstan" National channel

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Robotics. Khabar tv

"Robotics". "Zhana kun" program. Khabar TV

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"Tansholpan" program. "Kazakhstan" National channel

Three students from Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools sponsored “Samruk-Kazyna Trust” will contin

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KazNews. "Kazakhstan" National channel

"School Library - an active participant of educational process". KazNews.

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“Bugin Zheksenbi” program

The national TV Channel " Kazakhstan". 

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"Educated youth - future of the nation". "Serpilis" program

"Educated youth - future of the nation". "Serpilis" program

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The national TV Channel " Kazakhstan" reports about our school.

About robotics and about  Yerlankyzy Arubegim's work.

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Contact Us

  • 8 (7172) 55-80-33
  • NIS Nur-Sultan, 19, Husein Ben Talal Street(crossing of Kabanbai Batyr and Turan Avenues)
    010000, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan.

  • school@ib.nis.edu.kz