Internal Code of Conduct

                Date of issue: 2015, February 18th 



                                         Extract from Protocol # 5

 of the meeting of the Board  of Directors  Autonomous Educational Organization Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, 2015,   February 15th



                                                   Agenda item:         


Affirmation of the Rules of compliance with academic honesty by the students of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools and the Rules of the internal routine for the students in the  Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools in the new edition.

Having examined and discussed issues, The Board of Directors has decided:

  1. To affirm the following:

1). The Rules of сompliance with academic honesty by the students of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools

            2)  The Rules of internal routine for the students in the  Nazarbayev Intellectual                   Schools. 

       2.     To recognize as invalid the Rules of internal routine for the students in the  Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools confirmed by the decision of  The Board of Directors AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”,  2013, August 29th  (protocol # 48)

  1. Education Policy and Programs  Department  of AEO (Nazaralieva Z. S) should bring this present decision to the  attention of the AEO’s offices and branch offices concerned.
  2. Branch offices of AEO whose main activity is educational activity should be guided by the present decision and provide for carrying out all necessary events resulting from the present decision.
  3. Сontrol over  fulfilling the present decision resides with the vice-chairman of The Board of Directors AEO Ispusinova S.B




Secretary of  the Board of Directors                                                            A.Zhakisheva























                                                                                                             It is confirmed by

                                                                                        the decision of the Board of Directors                                                     

                                                                                      Autonomous Educational Organization                                                                                                                                                                                         

                                                                                       Nazarbayev  Intellectuall Schools                         

                                                                                 2015/11/02,  # 5



           of the internal routine for the students

           in the  Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools


1. General provisions


  1. The Rules of the internal routine for the students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (then- the Intellectual Schools), whose main subject of activity is educational activity, have been worked out in accordance with The Law of  the Republic of Kazakhstan on education, Charter of the autonomous education organization  “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”, Policy of bringing up the students of the Intellectual Schools.
  2. The Present Rules set the routine of the educational process for the students, unified demands for school uniform and outward appearance, define the rights and duties of the students and their legal representatives, basic norms and rules of conduct of students inside the building , on the territory of  the Intellectual Schools as well  at all out-of- school events.
  3. The aim of the Present  Rules is formation safe, favorable, educational environment providing conditions for successful academic and social increase of students on the base of  mutual respect among all members of the school community – administration, pedagogical staff, students and their legal representatives.
  4. The Present Rules are required to fulfill by all members of the school community-administration, pedagogical staff, students and their legal representatives   and other   employees of the Intellectual Schools.
  5. The Present Rules are hung on the prominent place in the Intellectual Schools for general review, in the internet resources of AEO and sites of the Intellectual Schools.
  6. Administration and curators of NIS are obliged to introduce these Rules to students and their legal representatives in the following cases:

         1) accepting and signing documents for further participation in selective entry;

         2) filing of an application for enrollment in NIS;

         3) during Parents` meetings and school meetings and curator hours.

7. Issues, not included in these Rules, are discussed in accordance with approved regulations and standards of AOO and current legislation of Republic of Kazakhstan. 


2. Working pattern and educational process regulations at NIS


8. Working pattern of Intellectual Schools is defined by the Rules of labor order, approved by the principal of an Intellectual School. Length of a working week – by the labor code legislation of RK.

9. The presence of students after the lessons are finished, and during days off and holidays, is not allowed, unless their stay is connected with the educational process.

10. Lessons are conducted according to the schedule approved by the principal, and can be changed during the academic year by the vice-principals.

Duration of an academic hour at Intellectual school is 40 minutes.

Intellectual School has the right to conduct 60 minute lessons, coordinating the permission with AOO in advance.

11. General duration of educational process, including the rate of academic load, is regulated by code of Educational Rules of AOO.

Academic load and learning pattern should not exceed the rates specified by Health laws “Sanitation-and-epidemiological requirements for children and adolescents”.

12. The exact duration of academic weeks and holidays for a particular academic year are fixed at the beginning of the academic year by annual order approved by the AOO chairman of the board.


3. Requirements concerning school uniform and students` appearance


13. Students` appearance must correspond to generally accepted norms of business style and must exclude rebellious details:

         1) For boys – short classic or model haircut;

         2) For girls – long hair should be neatly tied; shoulder-length hair should be combed.

14. Order of dress is fixed, and approved by AOO.

15. School uniform requirements:

- Clothes style – classic, business;

- School uniform is classified as everyday and sports uniform.

16. While wearing school uniform it is prohibited:

1) to wear shoes that do not cover one`s heels (sandals, flip-flops), trainers, sneakers, shoes with heels higher than 4.5 cm; to wear clothes that show religious affiliation (hijab, niqab, felt cloak, burqa, large cross etc.); clothes revealing parts of your abdomen (belly, breast).

2) to wear a fringe that covers eyes, punk haircut, afro bunches, moustache and beard for boys, bright colored hair and make-up, tattoos, piercing, nail polish.

17. In case a student disobeys these requirements, a teacher or curator has the right to send the student back home with a legal representative escorting him/her to dress appropriately.

Students of Intellectual Schools are not allowed to attend classes without uniform.

18. Tailoring service is assumed in accordance with Rules of purchasing Goods, work and services, established by AOO NIS and Intellectual Schools Organization in case of availability of funds.

4. Basic rights and duties of pupils of Intellectual Schools

19. Students have the right:

1) to get  quality education in accordance with the educational program of the Intellectual Schools;

2) to be safe in learning environment, free from discrimination, harassment, humiliation , and intolerance;

3) to obtain information about the educational process, including their performance;

4) to participate in the work of the student government at Intellectual School;

5) to have access to information resources, sports, reading, assembly halls , computer labs and libraries, provision of textbooks, educational complex, and teaching materials;

6) to be encouraged by success in training and creative activities;

7) for a break between lessons, and holidays;

8) to obtain information on the existence of elective courses at Intellectual School and to have the opportunity to participate in the choice of subjects;

9) to receive social-pedagogical, psychological and medical assistance from specialists at Intellectual Schools;

10) to transfer from one Intellectual School to another in the prescribed manner ;

11) to obtain the text these Rules;

12 ) to familiarize themselves with the rules of conduct and disciplinary measures for breaches of discipline.


20. Students must:

1) comply with the requirements of this Rule , the AEO Charter , Rules of Intellectual School , decisions of the teachers' council and student government of Intellectual School , fire safety regulations, and requirements of the administration and teaching staff to ensure the safety of the educational process

2) attend Intellectual school in accordance with the daily educational process and not miss classes without a reason ;

3 )  possess knowledge , skills , practical skills and competence in accordance with the requirements of the educational program of the Intellectual Schools ;

4 ) observe the rules of respect for academic integrity for students of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools;

5) to be polite and honest with students , administration , teaching staff and persons and of the same rank, and other employees of Intellectual Schools

6) to keep the legal representatives be informed about progress, behavior, and organization of extracurricular activities;

7)  to respect the dignity and equal rights of other students, and to refrain from actions that infringe or violate the rights of other individuals;

8) to abide by school uniform regulations of Intellectual school, and take care of appearance;

9) to take care of their health, and to strive for spiritual and physical self-improvement;

10) to take care of the property of Intellectual school and its safety; to keep textbooks and teaching aids and equipment ( musical instruments, teaching aids ) in good condition , to maintain cleanliness at training sites;

11) to bring to the attention of administration, teacher, curator any circumstances that threaten the health and welfare of members of Intellectual School


21. In order to ensure favorable conditions for the educational process in the Intellectual school students are forbidden :       

1) to bring or invite unauthorized persons to Intellectual school without the permission of the curator;

2) to come to training sessions in dirty , crumpled clothes , which do not correspond to business style or current rules, or publicly demonstrate affiliation to fan-movements, political parties , or religious groups etc.;

3) to use at or around Intellectual school tobacco, alcohol (including beer, spirits, etc.), narcotics, psychotropic and toxic substances, or to use profane language;

4) to gamble, or conduct operations of a speculative nature;

5) to bring weapons, explosives, fireworks, chemicals , flammable substances, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, toxic substances and poisons, animals, insects and other things that are incompatible with the requirements of the educational process;

6) to  bring expensive things (electronic devices and mobile phones , photo and video cameras, jewelry, large sums of money , etc.) valued than 5 MCI.

     Intellectual school is not responsible for the loss of expensive items mentioned in this Rule.


 5. Rules of student conduct


22. Students come to the Intellectual school at least 10-15 minutes before the beginning of classes in clean, ironed school uniform. Appearance should effectively meet the requirements of this Rule.

23. Entering the schools, students leave outdoor clothing in specially designated individual cabinets, and, if necessary, change their shoes.

24. Students do not have the right to use the elevators and bathrooms designed for people with limited mobility ( the disabled).

25. Behavior in the classroom:

1) before the start of the lesson, students should be able to prepare their workspace and everything necessary for work in the classroom

2) while the teacher is entering , students stand in salute and sit after he or she has returned the greeting , and allowed them to sit . Similarly, students welcome any adult who comes into the classroom during class ;

3) during the lesson students should be occupied only in educational purposes. During class the following behaviours are not permitted: raised, looking aside at others with extraneous conversations , games that are not related to the matter of the lesson ;

4) use of mobile phones and other devices which are not related to the educational process is not allowed. Switch off all technical devices and transfer mobile phone to silent mode and remove them from the table. In case of violation the teacher has the right to withdraw the technical device during the lesson. In the case of repeated violation of the requirements of the Technical Device Regulations, it will be  returned only in presence of the legal representatives;

5) during the lesson it is not permitted to leave the class without the teacher's permission . In case of emergency the student must ask for permission from the teaching staff .

6) at the end of the lesson the student has the right to leave the classroom with the teacher's permission .

26. Behavior during the break:

The break (time between classes) is designed to:

1 ) allow movement of students to another location if it is necessary in accordance with the timetable ;

2 ) provide a rest and physical warm-up  of students, for this purpose it is recommended students move slowly along the hall

3) have a meal

4) calls on a mobile phone (if necessary )


It is prohibited during the break to:

  1. Disturb others by speaking loudly, shouting;
  2. Apply physical force to solve any problem , throw objects, push others.


27.   Behavior in canteen

  1. Food is consumed only in designated areas;
  2. Students should maintain hygiene norms: do not come into the canteen in coats and jackets and wash hands before eating;
  3. Students come to the canteen behaving properly: not pushing  , running etc;
  4. Canteen should be kept clean. After eating, tables should be cleaned;
  5. The queue should be maintained, good manners should be demonstrated while ordering the meal.


28. Behavior during extra - curricular activities

1)    Students should be given instructions on safety before activities in or out of Kazakhstan;

2)    Students should listen to teachers during extracurricular activities and avoid any actions that might harm themselves and others;

3)    Students should behave well in and out of the school , respect traditions and cultures of locals , treat with care personal and others’ belongings;

4)    Students should maintain discipline and follow the route chosen by the team leader;

5)    Maintain hygiene norms and report to the team leader in case of deterioration of health;

6)     Prohibited use of items that might cause a fire such as fireworks , candles etc.


  1. 6.     Registering absent lessons by students


29. Justified reasons for non-attendance:

  1. Illness
  2. Visiting the doctor ( evidence is required )
  3. Missing the lessons for family matters for no more than 10 days in academic year with a letter written by the parents and agreement of the school principal
  4. Participation in Subject Olympics , competitions and other activities that are part of academic work;
  5. Participation in activities out of school.

30. In case of missing classes because of sickness, student is expected to inform his coordinator and after coming to school provide him with written documentation

31. In case of participation in Subject Olympics and other competitions , the absences should be registered in a journal by coordinator

32. Absences due to non-school activities are registered as follows:

1)    Official representative  provides an official request to the school principal with attached official stamp of organization

2)    Representative’s request is documented by a coordinator and signed by a principal

33. Legal representatives are held responsible for student’s acquisition of the missed lesson material

34. Missed lessons for unjustified reasons is registered in coordinators  journal and representative signs it after being introduced to it. Unjustified absences may result in disciplinary action.

In case of repetitive non – attendance, students are expelled from the school according to the law issued by Government of RK from 14 March, 2009


Rewarding the students

35.  For high results in academic, creative work, sport, active participation in social life of school students are encouraged.

36. Types of encouragements:

1)    Letter of gratitude;

2)    Giving a certificate;

3)    Giving an award “Student of the year”;

4)    Giving an award “ Shanyrak of the year”;

5)    Posting information about award on website of the organization; in mass-media.

37. Rewarding matters are discussed by encouragements’ commission of NIS.

38. The members of the commission and its work schedule are selected by the principal every year.

The commission is headed by a chairperson and may include teachers, coordinators, students and parents, that are changed every 2 years.

Members of the commission fulfill their duties for 2 years on a voluntary basis.

Former members of the commission may not be re-appointed for another term.

39. Nominees for “Student of the year” should be discussed during meetings of  students’ communities called “Shanirak”, a pedagogical meeting of NIS faculty and staff and should be presented to commission 10 days before the last month of the academic year .

Comission selects  the first , second and third place nominees. 

40. Nominees for “Best Shanyrak ” should be discussed on meetings of “Shanyrak”, on pedagogical meeting of NIS and should be presented to commission 10 days before the last month of the academic year . In case when there is disagreement on selecting the winners , the final decision is up to “Shanyrak unions”.

Comission choses the best candidate from the presented list of candidates and gives an award.

41. Students can be rewarded in classrooms, meetings etc., publicly.

42. The school principal can appoint rewards that are not indicated in current document.

43. There are personal and collective rewards. Further, one students might be eligible for several awards.

44. Rewarding is fulfilled as following:

1)    It is announced by school principal and is written in personal document of the student

2)    Rewarding is done in ceremonial atmosphere and parents or legal represantatives of students are informed


8. Responsibility of students

Disciplinary misbehavior is divided into 3 categories :

1)    Not serious (minor infractions)

2)    Serious (major infractions)

3)    Very serious (infractions resulting in expulsions)

Minor infractions are:

1)    Misbehavior during lessons

2)    Lateness (more than three times) to classes, meetings etc.

3)    Wearing other clothes than uniform

4)    Wearing a hat and coat in school

5)    Incomplete home tasks 

6)    Drinking and eating outside the canteen

7)    Misbehavior in the school, outside the school

8)    Littering in and outside the school

9)    Using mobile phones during the lesson

10)                      Breaking the rules on using the lap- tops , computers

Major infractions:

1)    Repetition of misbehavior which is considered not serious

2)    Gambling

2) Leaving the school without notifying the coordinator

3)    Missing school more than 3 times per term for unjustified reasons

4)    damage to/ destruction of property of the Intellectual School or property of other individuals and entities by inadvertence;

5)    ignorance of state symbols, state anthem and evasion of rules while singing;

6)    offence to the dignity of members of school community and guests of the Intellectual School;

7)    use of obscene language and gestures, uncontrolled vocabulary;

8)    spreading materials which disgrace the honour of the Intellectual School, students and staff members;

9)    spreading personal information, photographs, audio and video recordings, filming, saving or transferring of information between the students and other parties by means of wireless access (infrared port, Bluetooth, radio frequencies, etc.), as well as

10)                      violation of “The rules of abiding academic honesty by the students of the Intellectual schools”;

11)                    rejection to obligatory socially useful works and activities;


48. Infractions resulting in expulsions include:

1)    commission of repeated offences, related to major infractions;

2)    discrimination of anybody according to language, gender, nationality, religion or any other issues;

3)    obtrusion of religious convictions, stirring up national hatred, propaganda, aggression and violence;

4)    any participation in smoking, drinking or drug abuse, attending lessons under the influence of alcohol, drugs or intoxicants;

5)    carrying weapons, explosives, pyrotechnics, chemical, fire-hazardous substances, tobacco products, alcohol, drugs, toxic substances and poisons, animals, insects;

6)    carrying high-priced belongings (mobile phones, cameras, jewelry, substantial amounts of money, etc.) worth more than 5 MCI;

7)    intentional damage to/ destruction of property of the Intellectual School or property of other individuals and entities;                                                  

8)    infliction of psychological or physical injury to the members of school community (threatening, intimidation, fighting, hooliganism), other individuals;

9)    stealing, taking other people’s things without permission without knowledge of the members of school community, individuals and entities;

49. In order to organize the activity to predict offences, promote discipline among the students the Disciplinary Committee is created in the Intellectual School.

50. Composition and regulations of the Disciplinary Committee are approved by the order of the principal of the Intellectual School every academic year.

Disciplinary Committee is headed by the chairperson, it can include teachers, curators, students, representatives of the parents committee;

Members of the Disciplinary committee operate free of charge, term of powers – 2 years.

Upon the expiry of their powers, the members of the Disciplinary Committee cannot be re-elected.

51. The Disciplinary Committee considers the issues related to its competence during the sessions summoned by the Chairperson as required.

The Disciplinary Committee considers the following issues:

studies and analyzes the state of misconduct among the students, the state of educational and preventive works directed at preventing misconduct;

considers conflict situations, connected with misconduct in the school;

considers the issues of strengthening the discipline of students, adherence to the Code and the Internal regulations;

considers personal affairs of the students-troublers and offers proposals in relation to the implementation of proper measures of disciplinary sanction;

hears the curators’ reports on the state of works regarding strengthening the discipline and preventing offences, providing communication between the Intellectual School and legal representatives of the students;

monitors the behavior of the teenagers registered in the commission on juvenile affairs;

involves teenagers susceptible to offences in sport sections, clubs, etc.;

organizes individual work with difficult teenagers;

exercises preventive work with troubled families.

52. The session of the Disciplinary Committee is considered authorized if more than two thirds of the members are participating in it.

The decision of the disciplinary committee shall require a majority of votes of the members present at the meeting.

53. The basis for the beginning of consideration of a disciplinary offense:

1)    Application, complaint letter, message in written or oral form that was provided to the director of Intellectual school by the students, teaching staff or other persons;

2)    Application by the student, who committed a disciplinary offense;

54. The disciplinary Commission shall notify one of the legal representatives of the student about the possibility of disciplinary responsibilities. The Commission shall request from the student a written explanation, which he with his legal representative must provide during the day. In case of refusal, the statement shall drawn up and signed by three people from disciplinary committee.

55. A student`s refusal to provide the written form of explanation does not prevent the application of disciplinary measures to him or her.

56. A review of the disciplinary offense is not allowed by the staff of Intellectual school who is interested in its results (for example, the teacher in respect of whom the student has committed a disciplinary offense). If not all requirements are followed than results of the disciplinary committee may be considered invalid.

57. During the consideration of a disciplinary offense Disciplinary Commission establishes the following facts:

1) Whether there was any disciplinary offense (the fact of action)

2) Collecting the details and the information of the offense or action that happened

3) The person who committed disciplinary offense

4) To find out the details and measures of guilt of the person

5) The consequence of the offense

6) Extenuating or aggravating circumstances

7) Exceptional circumstances

8) Previous and subsequent behavior of the student

9) Purposes and conditions which prompted the offence

10) Other facts that are important for consideration of the offense.

58. Absence of any participants in the disciplinary process does not prevent consideration. In this case, all other material from different participants shall be used in order to continue the process.

59. Any information and materials can be used as proof of the disciplinary action.

60. The following can be received as the evidence:

1) Explanation by the student

2) Explanation by a witness

3) Proof materials

4) Documents

Explanations are any information about disciplinary offense, that can be in either written or oral forms.

Any object can be accepted as material evidence:

1)    That is used for committing offense

2)    Student`s action

3)    Money, or other valuable objects as a result of offense

4)    Objects and documents with signs of the offense


Documents are valid as information solutions in written form. Any photos and videos can be accepted as documents of the process.


  1. Disciplinary penalty is considered invalid while student is sick or  absent for valid reasons.

62. Disciplinary Commission applies educational measures to a student according to school rules.

One or more forms of influence can be used by disciplinary commission.

In the case that educational measures do not have an effect, the Disciplinary Committee has right to make disciplinary punishment.

63. Disciplinary punishments include:

1)  obligation to apologize in public

2) warning

3) reprimand

4) severe reprimand

5) exclusion from school.

64. If the Disciplinary Committee decides to exclude the student from school, there will be an extraordinary session of the Teachers Council. According to the Teachers Council decision, the student may be excluded from the Intellectual School.

65. The students and their legal representatives who are being considered by the Disciplinary Committee consideration, have the following rights:

familiarization with the investigation process of the disciplinary violation; explanation; petition statement; provision of evidence;

explanation withdrawal. In this case, members of the Disciplinary Committee have to write a protocol about the student explanation withdrawal;

request not to disclose the results, until the final decision of the Disciplinary Committee is made;

copies of decrees or any other legal statements, that are given on behalf of a student.

66. If the disciplinary violation of the student constitutes a criminal or administrative offence, the Principal of the Intellectual School informs the representatives of law and order, the Situational Center of AO, and representatives of law enforcement.

67. The decision to impose a disciplinary punishment on a student is made in written form by the Principal of the Intellectual School and is based on the decision of the Disciplinary Committee or the Teachers Council, with the materials that contain evidence of the violation.

68. The copy of the Order for the Disciplinary Punishment is given to the student or his legal representative in exchange for a receipt. In case of refusal by the student or his legal representative to meet in person, the Order is sent by mail service with the acknowledgement of receipt. 

69. The Principal of the Intellectual School has the right to withdraw the disciplinary punishment in advance on at his/her discretion, due to intercession of a teacher or representatives of the student government, if the student has deserved this withdrawal due to good academic progress and will not commit any further violation.

70. A student is considered to have no disciplinary action since its withdrawal or expiration of six months from the date of application of the last disciplinary action.


9. The interaction with the legal representatives of students

71. The objectives of the organization interaction between administration, teaching staff of the Intellectual School and the legal representatives of the students are:

1) involvement of legal representatives in the educational process by the student government (the parents' committee, the board of trustees, incentive and disciplinary committee);

2) Education of the legal representatives of pedagogical knowledge and skills in the education of the students (school parents, video materials about the psychological aspects of relations between children and adults)

3) The use of professional and personal experience of legal representatives in the educational process

4) Formation of the active position of the legal representatives by the participation of the latter including public holidays, sports, leisure activities, and career guidance

72. The interaction between the administrations, teaching staff Intellectual school with the legitimate representatives of students includes:

1) The study of the family in order to identify its potential for education of pupils;

2) Consultation of legal representatives on improving parent-child relationships and well-being of the pupil in the family;

73. The administration, teaching staff of the Intellectual Schools are required to inform the legal representatives of the behavior of their children and take joint action against the negative behavior of pupils with a view to correcting and preventing relapses.

Advisory interviews with the legitimate representatives of students held members of the Intellectual Schools.


10. Rights and duties of legal representatives of the students.

74. Legal representatives have rights for:

1. involves into the work of the school governance and learning process;

2. making suggestions to improve  work of the Intellectual school;

3. getting information about academic progress, behavior  and learning conditions of the students;

4. protection of the interests and rights;

5. transference of the student into another school;

6. getting additional educational supplements for the student on a negotiable basis;

75. Legal representatives have to:

1.maintain the rules and adhere the requirements specified by regulations of AEO

2. contribute the  Intellectual school in learning and upbringing students;

3. pay attention on student’s health and safety  keeping  him out of bad habits  ;

4. create safe conditions for the student’s life and learning,  ensure the development of their intellectual and physical capabilities;

5. кnow the everyday schedule and workload of the student;

6. to ensure the timely arrival of the student to school, at least 10 minutes before the start of the lesson;

7. ensure that students do not bring to school, items that are not unrelated having to the educational process;

8. do not disturb student by calling him during the lesson;

9. provide students visiting classes in the Intellectual school, in the case of permits for a good reason to present supporting documents.

Control the passage of software material in missed days;

10. attend parent meetings every  term and put your signature into report cards;

11. liaise with the student’s curator check diary of the child weekly and to confirm that it put his signature .

     Verify with reply messages received by means of e-mail or mobile phone when communicating with the curator about the student;

12) arrange meetings with teachers and curators in non-working hours in advance;

13) if a student refuses compulsory inoculation (vaccination), the student must provide the medical room of the school with the medical withdrawal or written refusal of compulsory inoculation in the name of the Principal of the Intellectual School;

14) maintain the tradition and authority of the Intellectual School;

15) respect the honor and dignity of teachers and other members of the school staff;

16) indemnify  loss to the Intellectual school, school member, person or entity, which occurred due to student action

17) maintain the Highway Code within the Intellectual School territory; not park a car within the entrance area of the school;

18) in case of significant or serious violation by the student, he/she must apologise orally or in written form.


11. Resolving disputes

76. Students have the right to consult with the administration of the Intellectual School either personally or through legal representatives about the following issues:

1) statements in terms of the safety precautions and other issues that touch upon the interest of the student: improvement of the educational process, teaching quality, the library treatment, the canteen treatment, medical services and other departments of the Intellectual School;

2) statements about the students and staff members of the Intellectual School;

77. Consideration of disputes or claims from the student will take place only in case of the existence of a written statement concerned with issue arguments from the student or his/her legal representative.

78. The administration will not consider anonymous statements.

79. The administration of the Intellectual School conducts personal appointments with a student or his legal representative at least once a month in accordance with the appointment schedule affirmed by the administrator of the Intellectual School.


12. Final rules

80. These rules come into effect from the date of their statement by the decision of  the board of AEO.

81. Rules which eliminate disciplinary punishment for violation, reduce responsibility or in other ways improve the situation of the person who made violation, have retroactive force. This means they affect the people who made violation till the rules in this document come into effect.

82.  The code of conduct which began before the introduction of these rules will be carried out according to the rules existing at the date of the beginning of consideration of violation.