Policy on Inclusive Education

Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Astana







“It is not difference, but the difference

we make of it, that matters”.

(Minow 1990)




NISA believes that all learners have different needs in learning and should be provided with appropriate conditions to demonstrate their abilities in the learning process according to their own interests. Because of this diversity students and teachers require a wide range of strategies, and flexibility of timing and approach in order to achieve common goals. The policy deals with both the structuring and practices of education meeting special learning requirements of diverse students and aiming to provide students with meaningful and equitable access to the curriculum. Inclusive education means that needs of different individuals must be positively addressed instead being a cause for marginalization (IBO, 2009; 2010; 2013). Implementation the policy will enhance academic and social skills, increased self-esteem, and more positive relationships of students with others in the community as well as professional and personal development of teachers.




Inclusion – an ongoing process that aims to increase access and engagement in learning for all students by identifying and removing barriers (IBO, 2010).

Differentiation – the process of identifying, witheach learner, the most effective strategies for achieving agreed goals. Differentiation requires a deep understanding of the way learners work, either alone or with others, based on their individual needs and goals, not just on a single dimension of ability (IBO, 2010).

Learning support requirements – support and/or access required to enable some candidates, who have the aptitude to meet all curriculum and assessment requirements, reach their full potential in learning and assessment. These include technical and other aids as well as medical social and other services, which are indispensable for the development of educational programs for children with learning difficulties (IBO, 2009; 2014).

Psychological and pedagogical support – a holistic, systematic, organized activity of specialists to create socio-psychological and pedagogical conditions for successful learning and development of each child according to his/her abilities and needs (MES, 2011).

Child with limited abilities – a person under the age of eighteen years, with impairments and persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, injuries, their consequences, defects , leading to restriction of life and the need for his/her social protection (Parliament, 2002).

Limitation of life activity – a full or partial loss of the ability of a person to exercise , or self , to move independently , navigate, communicate, control their behavior , learn and engage in employment (Parliament, 2005).

Physical limited ability – a persistent disturbance in the development and (or) the functioning of organ (s), requiring long-term social, medical-correctional and educational support (Parliament, 2002).

Mental limited ability – a temporary or permanent lack of the development and (or) the functioning of the human psyche, including the impact of sensory impairments; speech disorders; emotional and volitional disorders; effects of brain trauma; mental disabilities, including mental retardation; mental retardation and related specific learning difficulties (Parliament, 2002).


Special correctional organization – an organization for children with limited developmental abilities:

hearing impairment (deaf, hard of hearing);

visual impairment (blind, visually impaired);

musculoskeletal and physical challenges;

with speech difficulties;

with mental health issues;

social, emotional and behavioural difficulties;

with complex disorders, including those with deafblindness (Parliament, 2002).


Psychological examination – a determination of the characteristics of mental status and potential mental development of children (Parliament, 2002).

Social examination – a determination of the degree of social failure, which  may be due to the limitation of physical independence, mobility, an ability to engage in normal activities, economic independence and an ability to integrate into the society according to the age norms for school-age children (Parliament, 2002).

Medical examination – a determination of the kind, severity of the disorder (lack of ) function(s) of a particular organ or the whole body, causing the limitation of life of children (Parliament, 2002).

Pedagogical examination – a determination of the characteristics of children's intellectual development and their potential for game activities, education and communication according to the age norms for school-age children (Parliament, 2002).

Professional diagnostics – a identification of potential opportunities for children to assimilate the skills and performance of work or profession, taking into account the existing mental and (or) physical disabilities (Parliament, 2002).

Adverse circumstances - circumstances defined as those beyond the control of the candidate that might be detrimental to his or her performance, including severe stress, exceptionally difficult family circumstances, bereavement, disruption during examinations or events that may threaten the health or safety of candidates. A group of candidates or all candidates within a school may be affected by these. Adverse circumstances do not include faults on the part of the school and the failure of candidates to enhance performance in spite of getting authorized inclusive assessment arrangements (IBO, 2011).

Invigilator – a person, or persons, responsible for supervising an examination. The invigilator of an IB examination may or may not be the coordinator. The person invigilating the candidate’s examination must not be a relative of the candidate, or any other person with whom there may be an apparent or perceived conflict of interest (IBO, 2009).

Incomplete assessment – a situation when a DP candidate has not submitted one or more components of the assessment requirements in the subject or an MYP Certificate or MYP Course Candidate has not completed one or more assessments for which they were registered (IBO, 2011).

Assessment component – a division of each DP subject into assessment components, e.g. paper 1, paper 2 and internal assessment (IBO, 2009).

Exceptional circumstances – circumstances that are not commonly within the experience of other candidates with assessment access requirements. The IB reserves the right to determine which circumstances qualify as “exceptional” and therefore justify a particular inclusive assessment arrangement (IBO, 2009).

Inclusive assessment arrangements – changed or additional conditions during the assessment process for a candidate with assessment access requirements enabling him or her to demonstrate his or her level of attainment more fairly with no intention to compensate for any lack of ability (IBO, 2009).

A candidate with assessment access requirements – a candidate who requires access arrangements in assessment conditions to demonstrate his or her level of attainment (IBO, 2009).

Giftedness - a system quality of the psyche that develops during the life and determines the possibility of achieving by a person higher (unusual, uncommon) results in one or more activities compared with other people (Rapatsevich, 2001, p. 572).

Gifted child – a child who stands out with bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal preconditions for such achievements) in one or another activity (Rapatsevich, 2001, p. 572).

Talent - a high level of skills of the individual in a particular activity, his or her giftedness, when they reach the level of character traits (Rapatsevich, 2001, p. 572).





To support all students, which are admitted to the school according to the admission policy, on their development and learning styles in order to prevent gaps and disturbances in their development.


1)                      to provide a system that brings comprehensive support and continuous feedback to all students with different learning difficulties to enable them fully realize their abilities;

2)                      to design a strategy to follow up the learning process of students with academic difficulties during the year;

3)                      to provide families with advisory and educational assistance and other support;

4)                      to improve the scientific and methodological support of diagnosis, training and development of children with different learning needs;

5)                      to improve organizational psycho-pedagogical conditions for training and education of children with different learning requirements.




1) equal rights and access to children for education and support;

2) legality, humanity, respect for human rights and the prohibition of discrimination on basis of disability, race, ethnicity, age, gender and alike;

3) continuous differentiated support of a child’s development in the education process through an individual, complex, interdisciplinary approach to child’s needs;

4) variability and freedom to choose ways, methods and forms of implementation of the strategic educational ideas;

5) collaboration with families and social entities in the process of teaching and up-bringing their children providing a unified educational space;

6) continuous update of objectives, content, approaches and methods of teaching children with different learning requirements (IBO, 2009; 2010; 2011; 2013; 2014; Parliament, 2002; Parliament, 2005; MES, 2011; LADE, 2010).




Physical and mental ways of perception and understanding of information may vary from a student to a student calling for identification of different learning requirements. Students may have various significant challenges which do not necessarily reflect their cognitive abilities. Students may be globally gifted, gifted in specific areas or indeed be gifted in some areas but still have learning difficulties in other areas (IBO, 2013). 

Various diagnostic tools are tested and implemented in order to identify educational needs of children. Results of recent research on the nature of learning diversity are taken into account. The latest technology is utilized to determine different needs of children. Educators also diagnose different learning requirements of children using their experience of working with students (LADE, 2010).

Students with disabilities are allowed to study at NISA on the basis of decision of psycho-medical-pedagogical counseling and according to specially designed individual curriculum (Parliament, 2002).  

NOTE: According to Kazakhstan legislation, a disability group is established from the age of sixteen by territorial subdivisions of the authorized body in the field of social protection through medical and social expertise (Parliament, 2005).






  • · in-depth and comprehensive examination of children in order to identify the characteristics of their intellectual development and determine their learning requirements to select the type and form of up-bringing and education;
  • · psychological-pedagogical support and correction of gaps in learning;
  • · help to the child in solving topical objectives of development, learning, self-determination, and self-knowledge as well as socialization among peers and adults;
  • · development and determination of the content of correctional-developmental lessons based on the level of intellectual development, individual differences and capacities of the child, not just on his/her age;
  • · establishment of study groups for teaching and developing all children in accordance with their different interests and abilities;
  • · provision of the participation of all children in educational, sport, artistic competitions or competitions of different levels and appointment of personal awards for children – the winners, the authors of scientific discoveries, etc.;
  • · organization and conduct of various levels of subject Olympiads, competitions, conferences and other events for children in accordance with their different learning requirements;
  • · promotion of professional self-determination and labor education of a student and his or her professional diagnostics with the account of his/her interests, abilities and opportunities;
  • · provision of psychological, educational and technical support of the development of students with disabilities based on the recommendations of the psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation;
  • · conduct of psychological correctional work with the children to eliminate the identified deviations:

- children, who have emotional disorders, have classes on social and emotional development;

- children, who experience difficulties in communication, have lessons on building communication skills;

- children, experiencing behavioral problems, have classes normalizing behavioral responses (Parliament, 2002; MES, 2011; LADE, 2010).





  • Provision of consultations on working with children with different educational needs;
  • Psychological support for educational and up-bringing programs; 
  • Creation of working-in-level teachers’ group to design and follow up the learning process of students and, if necessary, to prepare special materials (MES, 2011; LADE, 2010).


c)        PARENTS


Training on the characteristics aims and learning and assessment process of the IB programmes;

Assisting families in solving topical objectives of development, learning, socialization of their children and learning how to interact with the child, explain them techniques and methods of teaching and up-bringing their children within the family;

Enlightenment of parents about the phenomenon of children giftedness and ways to support and develop it;

Counseling and psychological assistance to families having children with learning difficulties;

Work with parents in a variety of forms on development of psychological-pedagogical competence and culture of parents and formation of adequate parental attitude to the child and the active position to his/her upbringing in the family:

- personal interviews and consultations;

- parental lecture;

- open days;

- seminars and other events (Parliament, 2002; MES, 2011; LADE, 2010).




NISA envisages personal approach to every student and individualization of teaching, moreover, it provides with the individual teaching plan if necessary. Offered opportunities vary in terms of realization of students talents. The role of extracurricular activities in development of additional academic needs is big. There is a constant evaluation, approbation and implementation of the new educational content which is aimed at different types of students, types of giftedness and different age groups. 

Inclusion through differentiation

An inclusive education incorporates the views of all stakeholders and offers excellence and choice. Inclusive environment is effective, friendly and welcoming, healthy and protective, and gender-sensitive for all learners. Inclusion is implemented in practice through differentiation. Differentiation is not just compensating underachievers’ learning process but collaborative planning of a unit so that a variety of learning approaches is provided to students by teachers to achieve common goals. It includes a range of activities and resources corresponding the goals and methods of the learner and relevant to their skills and knowledge. Curricula are challenging and stimulating and aimed at creating of an inclusive learning environment and forming life skills taking into account adequate capabilities and needs of children. The school provides protective and gentle teaching mode avoiding requirements which exceed capabilities of children with learning challenges and do not consider their special learning requirements as well as avoiding education that does not consider life perspectives of children and their practical needs. Learners’ prior understanding is used to differentiate tasks and activities in order to build up the further knowledge and new learning. Information is recorded in learning profiles to be used in future to support planning of differentiation and betterment of teacher practice (MES, 2011).

Inclusive environment

Differentiation for students’ learning needs and styles is incorporated in collaborative planning and reflection. A “no-disturbance” culture and distraction-free learning environment are created with respect for each student’s work space. A calm, positive and supportive classroom climate is developed through appropriate challenging of students, and expectations of them are high but realistic. Students are cared for, trusted, understood, valued, listened to, and provided with opportunities to succeed in order to build confidence and self-esteem. All students are involved in decisions about strategies supporting their learning and socialization, have the opportunity to develop the attributes of the learner profile and to understand themselves as learners. Parents are welcomed into the learning partnership aimed on assisting the students in overcoming difficulties and optimizing learning experiences (IBO, 2010; 2013).

Regular positive cognitive feedback is given to students with meaningful and motivational rewards, praises and prompts. Expectations are reviewed regularly and made explicit, and instructions are given clearly using simple direct language. Students are given a role of responsibility and checked for understanding so no room is left for assumptions. Students are encouraged to ask questions and participate in structured real dialogue. Each skill is taught in different ways and in all the possible contexts. Students are provided opportunities to transfer of skills and discuss feelings, e.g. circle time, personal, social and health education lessons, music, art and drama. Extracurricular activities are created to support additional academic needs and interests of students. Special interests and real-life contexts are also incorporated into teaching activities wherever possible to achieve maximal success and participation (IBO, 2010; 2013).

Differentiation in practice

Teaching instruction and process are differentiated in order to meet students’ learning needs and styles and overcome any learning challenges. Teachers provide realistic and achievable tasks to enhance motivation and participation and work with parents to support students with homework and adequate learning environment at home. Practice materials and simplified and recorded texts are provided if necessary. Opportunities to experience the enjoyment of reading and learn a spectrum of genres for writing are provided to develop student learning. If necessary reading is divided into sections and checked for understanding after each section, and extra time for both reading and comprehension is given. Each task may also be broken down into small sections to be completed one by one (IBO, 2010; 2013).

Teachers conduct various tasks and activities to meet interest and activity levels of students and facilitate interaction through inquiry by using games, sharing and turn-taking.  Students are allowed to choose activities that meet their own interests. Teachers also provide pre-teaching vocabulary to support new learning and post-practice sessions to consolidate learning. Alternative methods of presentation and assessment like visual support, picture cards, graphic organizers, tape recorders, dictaphones and voice-activated software are used. Spoken language is adapted and alternative ways to explain things are used to match the levels of understanding of students. Different strategies are used to provide better understanding: visual aids, demonstrations, dramatization, small, structured collaborative groups, teacher language, use of mother tongue or best language to develop ideas and initial plans (IBO, 2010; 2013).

Teachers use multi-sensory learning. In order to support special learning requirements of students access to a range of print that has optimal size print, offers good contrast and layout and targets other senses to reinforce learning is provided along with tactile materials such as threedimensional materials (maps and diagrams), embossed text, coloured papers, pens, filters, overlays. Seating is arranged taking into account the lighting. Information and communication technology (ICT) support student learning giving opportunities for distance and online learning, accommodation of individual learning styles, development and practice of higher thinking skills, individual and collaborative investigations of real-life problems, linking up similar students around the world, participation in electronic discussions. Teachers search for ways to improve access and participation for students at home or in hospital and design action plans considering medical, social and academic needs (IBO, 2010; 2013).

Gifted and talented students

Differentiation is also on place for meeting the learning needs of gifted and talented students taking into account designed teaching and learning models. The learning process is extended and deepened in areas where students demonstrate their giftedness and talent by creating intellectual/creative challenges and opportunities to study at a higher level. The support is provided in areas in which less satisfactory progress is being made.  Opportunities to study different and additional areas of interest are given through extracurricular activities, study group, other organizations and universities (IBO, 2010; 2013).

Mobility issues

Students with a range of mobility issues are also supported at NISA. Teachers collaborate with specialists and occupational therapists to provide comfortable and appropriate seating arrangements. Physical access and safety around the school building are provided to keep students away from being bumped into or knocked over. Students are given extra time to complete tasks or move around. Strategies and physical activities are modified to encourage participation and interaction with the rest of the class, e.g. computers, graphic organizers, audio tapes. Teachers place themselves at eye level when talking to students in wheelchairs and keep in contact (email, learning platforms) if a student has to work from home or hospital. Individual developmental program is elaborated and realized for children with significant learning difficulties (IBO, 2010; 2013). Children with significant learning challenges study and stay with their peers during the whole day except for the time they spend on correction work. Despite the lack of their abilities, such children take part in educational work, cultural and entertainment events, sport and other recreational activities with other children (MES, 2011).

Choice of subjects

IB DP and MYP Coordinators must be aware that some subjects may pose difficulties for certain candidates. Therefore, careful consideration is given to a candidate’s choice of subjects. The subjects chosen should allow students to display their strengths and empower them as learners. Schools may consult with the IB Assessment centre before confirming a candidate’s subjects (IBO, 2009).




Standard assessment conditions may put candidates with special learning requirements at a disadvantage by preventing them from demonstrating their level of attainment. Hence, assessment is diversified and made relevant to the student’s learning requirements. The purposes and outcomes of the assessment process are made explicit to all (IBO, 2009; 2010).

Inclusive assessment arrangements

There are inclusive assessment arrangements to meet special learning requirements that the school can provide without prior authorization from the IB and arrangements which need to be authorized by the IB before taking place in the school. The inclusive assessment arrangements are carefully planned, evaluated and monitored in order to take away the disadvantage caused by the candidate’s learning difficulty as much as possible but not to give him or her any advantage. Decisions on the type of inclusive assessment arrangements are strictly based only on individual requirements and not on administrative convenience or inconvenience. All requests for authorization of inclusive assessment arrangements by the IB Organization must be made by MYP or DP coordinator following procedures stated in the handbook Candidates with assessment access requirements (IBO, 2009; 2011).

In case when the nature of a candidate’s difficulty and/or the inclusive assessment arrangement might disturb other candidates during an examination, the examination for the candidate must be held in a separate room and be supervised according to the IB regulations. All inclusive assessment arrangements are made by the school (IBO, 2009).

Inclusive assessment arrangements for DP Examinations requiring IB authorization

The inclusive assessment arrangements listed below require authorization from the IB Assessment centre and derived from DP Handbook for Candidates with assessment access requirements (IBO, 2009):

1) Access to modified papers (Examination papers in Braille, Changes to the print on examination papers, Printing on coloured paper, Modifications to the visual complexity, Modifications to the language of examination papers)

2) Access to additional time (10%, 25%, 50%)

3) Access to writing (Computers, Word processor, Word processor with spell checker, Speech recognition software, Scribes, Transcriptions)

4) Access to reading (Reader, Reading software)

5) Access to speech and communication (Communicators, Augmentative communication device)

6) Access to calculators, practical assistance and alternative venues

7) Access to extensions and exemptions (Extensions to deadlines, Exemptions from assessment)

In case when a candidate has challenges with the requirements for creativity, action, service (CAS) or Service and Action, IB Answers must be consulted. To be awarded the diploma a Diploma Programme candidate may participate in three examination sessions. A candidate with learning support requirements may be allowed additional sessions by IB organization (IBO, 2009).

When adverse circumstances affect a candidate or a group of candidates prior to the submission of the marks for the MYP personal project and any required ePortfolio, the submission deadline may be extended by authorization of the IB Organization upon receipt of the required documentation from the school.

If the IB Organization admits that the performance of a candidate has been affected by adverse circumstances, it may give special consideration to the case upon the request if this would not give an advantage in comparison with other candidates (IBO, 2014).

Inclusive assessment arrangements for DP Examinations without IB authorization

The following arrangements are made by the coordinator (or head of school) in any examinations without prior authorization from the IB Assessment centre and derived from DP Handbook for Candidates with assessment access requirements (IBO, 2009).

1. Conduct of an examination in a separate room in case if:

a)                it is in the best interests of the candidate or other candidates in the group. For instance, a room with an echo may be challenging for a candidate with a hearing impairment or autism, or lighting may be specially reconsidered for a candidate with a visual impairment;

b)               a candidate’s condition or the nature of the inclusive assessment arrangement (for instance, a scribe, a computer) may distract other candidates. All regulations regarding IB examinations and the constant supervision of an invigilator must be on place.

2. Appropriate seating may be arranged by the coordinator to meet the needs of individual candidates (for instance, a candidate with vision or hearing difficulties may be arranged sitting near the front).

3. Appointment of an assistant, if necessary a nurse, may be appropriate if this is needed for the welfare or safety of a candidate. The assistant must not be another candidate or a relative of the candidate.

4. Permission to use the aid in examinations by a candidate who normally uses an aid (for example, a coloured overlay, a Braille slate, a sound amplification device, a radio aid, a hearing aid, a low vision aid, a magnifying aid, coloured filter lenses) is appropriate.

NOTE: It is in breach of regulations if candidates are found in possession of any other mobile devices in the examination room.

5. A communicator may give instructions to a candidate with a hearing condition related to explaining the conduct of the examination and the instructions in an examination paper but not any aspect of a question in the paper.

6. The invigilator or a designated reader clarifies only test directions and the instructions and not the content of the questions to a candidate with difficulties in reading or attention.

7. Candidates with vision difficulties may use magnifying devices including magnifying glasses and line magnifiers to enlarge and read print.

8. Colours in an examination paper may be named for a candidate with colour blindness (for example, on a map in a geography examination). However, other form of assistance may be provided only upon authorization from the IB Assessment centre.

9. The use of noise buffers such as headsets, earplugs and individual workstations with acoustic screens is allowed by a candidate who is hypersensitive to sound. In case a candidate uses an individual workstation, all IB examinations regulations and the constant supervision of an invigilator must be on place.

10. Rest breaks may be allowed by a candidate if necessary due to medical, physical, psychological or other conditions and are not counted towards the duration of the candidate’s examination. The security of the examination is ensured by the supervision of rest breaks. Other candidates must not be communicated with, or disturbed. In general, the amount of rest time is recommended to be 10-minutes per hour, although depends on the candidate’s conditions and may be pre-determined. During a rest period, the candidate is not allowed to read, respond to the examination paper or write notes of any kind. Candidates may be permitted to leave the room for all or part of the rest breaks, e.g. a candidate with diabetes may need to check blood sugar levels and take medication. In case a candidate’s personal examination timetable including rest breaks and additional time is larger than six and a half hours in one day, rescheduling should be requested.

11. The use of a prompter may be allowed to a candidate with attention issues, psychological or neurological conditions. A prompter ensures that a candidate pays attention to the examination by a gentle tap on the candidate’s arm or desk/table but not verbally. The prompter must not draw the candidate’s attention to any part of the examination paper or script. Other candidates should not be disturbed. The coordinator or invigilator may act as a prompter but do not give any form of assistance, and the IB examination regulations must be maintained. The prompter should be aware of the candidate’s behaviour to identify when the candidate is off-task. The candidate should be aware of the kind of prompt to be received from the prompter. The prompter should see the candidate’s disposition rather than his/her work so that he/she does not feel as though he/she is under pressure or scrutiny.

12. Additional time may be given to a candidate to complete assignments during the two-year programme (for instance, the extended essay, the theory of knowledge (TOK) essay). However, in case of requirement to extend the deadline for the submission of work for assessment, IB Answers must be contacted by the coordinator (IBO, 2009).




Participating in the competition for state scholarship through government funding of public education grants in the case of identical indicators, the preemptive right is given to invalids of the first and second groups according to Kazakhstan legislation, disabled since childhood, children with disabilities, who are not contraindicated to study in relevant educational organizations according to the conclusion of medical-social expertise (Parliament, 2005).




Each member of psychological-pedagogical assistance group should follow rules of professional ethics, i.e. not to distribute information about results of medical, psychological and pedagogical examination and advisory work, or other types of assistance (MES, 2011).





Development of psychological-pedagogical competence and culture among staff.

Collaborative and active work with family and staff to ensure consistency and common expectations.

Build up awareness among students, staff and parents for everyone can help in meeting diverse educational needs.

Assess and reconsider the environment and the timetable for areas of risk to remove any learning problems and barriers and open space to support specialist therapy with the student if necessary.

Hiring specialists when necessary (Speech therapist, etc.).

Maintain the right balance between times of demand and time out.

Locate the supportive network in the area or school.

Identification and meeting the individual candidate’s and provision of suitable arrangements for teaching and assessment.

Provision of the inclusive assessment arrangements in advance for a candidate to learn to use them effectively during classroom activities along with a member of staff familiar with use of special equipment if necessary.

Monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of correctional-developmental, teaching and education work of a child (psychological-pedagogical monitoring).

Organization and conduction of workshops on differentiation and work with different students for all members of school community as well as participation on professional development courses on the issues of preparation and implementation of inclusive education.

Creation of conditions for teachers and tutors for participation in scientific and practical conferences on differentiation issues, issues on giftedness, development of talents as well as inclusive education to share experience with international and local colleagues.

Organization and conduction interschool workshops, meetings and conferences for the generalization of experience in the form of reports and speeches.

Coordination of the actions of all members of school community working with diversity of students.

Design and implement security programs for students and community in general.

Creating adaptive and correctional-developmental environment, to ensure the full personal self-realization and full assimilation of secondary school curricula and inclusive program.

Establishment of appropriate material-technical conditions for physical access and education of children with developmental disabilities (special equipment, tools, hardware support, modern -visual teaching materials and access to information in terms of pupils opportunities).

Appropriate equipment of specialists’ cabinets providing psychological and educational support for children, developing correctional facilities, teaching aids (including technical), special teaching methods and didactic literature, software libraries and special education remedial developmental programs, special methodical and educational literature, materials, periodicals and educational literature on differentiation and inclusive education.

Program regular meetings with inclusive education team and parents to bring feedback, follow up the process and plan the next step (IBO, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014; MES, 2011; LADE, 2010).


Collaboration with institutions of culture, science and healthcare to create a comprehensive and full-fledged development environment for all children.

Cooperation with special organizations providing special social services (social protection institutions, organizations producing prosthetic-orthopedic appliances and organizations producing technical and supplementary tools) as well as educational services for children with disabilities (psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations, rooms of psychological and pedagogical correction work, rehabilitation centers, speech therapy cabinets, and other special correctional institution).

Contact with local gifted and talented student organizations which will support the school with materials and information relevant to the context (IBO, 2013; Parliament, 2002; LADE, 2010).





Find and allocate resources supporting education with special learning requirements.

Must be aware about factors affecting a student’s learning, know how to address the student’s needs in the best way, how to differentiate and correpsond teaching approaches to the student’s need.

Must have knowledge of technology that may alleviate and remove barriers to learning.

Develop a class and school environment that welcomes, embraces, values and uses the diversity of learners cultural perspectives to enhance learning.

Liaise and collaborate with parents to establish understanding of how best to achieve shared goals and consult them on the development of their children abilities in accordance with their capabilities.

Understand students, their psychological functioning and neurological processing, their learning difficulties and use this knowledge to create effective strategies for teaching and care.

Be patient and understanding when learning appears to be inconsistent.

Know and understand all of their students’ individual strengths and challenges.

Planning, organizing and conducting educational activities to ensure the broad development of children through the study of their individual characteristics, interests and abilities.

Implementation of educational activities in close contact with the teacher pathologist and other professionals involved in the psychological and educational support.

Adjustment of programs and thematic plans to work with children, including enhanced or facilitated work complexity, creativity, research levels.

Adapting curricula or development and implementation of individual training programs which is adequate to capacities and needs of a child, together with other members of the school community.

Organization of individual work with children.

Preparing all students for various competitions, quizzes, conferences at various levels.

Giving report on differentiation practice in MYP unit planner. (IBO, 2010, 2013; MES, 2011; LADE, 2010).

Exercise physiologist performs physical education of children with regard of their special learning challenges, physical fitness, individual characteristics and health status, attaches children to a healthy lifestyle, conducts with them remedial work to normalize breathing, to strengthen motor skills and to develop hand-eye coordination, and others.  (MES, 2011).



Study the nature of children's talents and inclusive education without making harm to children and following confidentiality rules.

Participation in scientific and practical conferences on different levels of giftedness, talent development to become familiar with the experience of foreign and local colleagues (LADE, 2010).


c)    TUTORS



Inform the students where they can get help and support (IBO, 2013).

Support and lead the students with good studying routine at school and at home, e.g. management of free time.

Inform parents the conduct of inclusive education.

Organize work with parents in order to realize the broad potential of the family in education of children with disabilities.

Participation in the development and implementation of correctional-developmental lessons which are adequate to capacities and needs of the child and developed collectively by all members of the psychological-pedagogical consultation or external support group.  

Participation in planning of educational work in the classroom aimed at realizing students’ abilities to meet their needs and capabilities (MES, 2011; LADE, 2010).



Receive assistance from psychologists on inclusive education.

Participation in scientific and practical conferences on different levels of giftedness, talent development to become familiar with the experience of foreign and local colleagues (MES, 2011; LADE, 2010).





Maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the collective of education organization.

Selection and implementation of diagnostics tests of students’ diverse needs to detect types of giftedness, types of learning support requirements and opportunities for children.

Determination, monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of psychological - pedagogical support and introduction of appropriate proposals to the administration and certain employees.

Conducting counseling and psycho-correction work (in groups and individually) to address the identified learning requirements and deviations.

Have meetings with specialists and inform other members of the staff about the agreements and recommendations made by the therapists.

Advisory and educational work with parents (speaking at parent meetings, consultations) on how to support children with diverse learning requirements.

Advisory and educational work with teachers (counseling, trainings, educational work) on how to work with students with diverse learning requirements.

Establishment and maintenance of a data bank on children of different types of learning support requirements.

Participation in the development of education and development programs in terms of their psychological validity and adequateness to capacities and needs of a child (MES, 2011; LADE, 2010).

Work with parents and specialists to create behaviour modification plans so that students can be taught appropriate strategies and given choices, helping them to avoid negative behaviours (IBO, 2013).



Study of the nature of children's talents and limitations without harm to children following confidentiality rules.

Participation in scientific and practical conferences on different levels of giftedness, talent development to become familiar with the experience of foreign and local colleagues (LADE, 2010).





Participate in medical-pedagogical correction work with children who have special learning requirements.

Provide medical service and correction work to children who have special learning requirements. 

Participate in formation of data bank on children with diverse limited abilities (MES, 2011; LADE, 2010).



To access information about children from tutors, teachers, and psychologists if necessary.





Participate in the development and implementation of individual educational and rehabilitative programs.

Attend academic and correctional-developmental classes.

Liaise with members’ of the staff on issues related to students’ special educational requirements.

Provide their children with the maintenance, upbringing, education, medical examination, treatment.

Care for their children, protect their rights and interests as well as participate in the implementation of individual rehabilitation program.

Actively participate in the learning process and support the school and inclusive education team following the advices and recommendations.

Promote an adequate learning space to apply studying skills at home (Parliament, 2002; MES, 2011).

Report about temporary special needs resulting from illness or accident to the IB DP or MYP coordinator as soon as possible after they arise, together with supporting professional documentation and other relevant information (IBO, 2011).

If a candidate is provided with inclusive assessment arrangements, his Legal Guardian(s) cannot claim that they are affected by adverse circumstances if assessment results after such arrangements are not at levels desired and/or anticipated by candidates (IBO, 2014).



Receive complete and accurate information about the results of remedial developmental and educational process.

To access information about children from tutors, teachers, and psychologists (MES, 2011).


g)                      LEARNERS



If a candidate is provided with inclusive assessment arrangements, candidates cannot claim that they are affected by adverse circumstances if assessment results after such arrangements are not at levels desired and/or anticipated by candidates (IBO, 2014).

Put an effort to be successful in learning process.



Have the right to be part of IB programme and receive:

-  Support and additional aid to overcome learning difficulties

-  Free supply of orthopedic products and footwear, prints with a special font, sound-amplifying equipment and alarms, compensatory technical means by medical prescription in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan ;

-  education in NISA in accordance with the statement of psychological, medical and educational guidance;

-  social protection and integration into society;

-  access to social infrastructure;

-  access to information;

-  education, free choice of activity, including employment;

-  support the creative abilities of people with disabilities (IBO, 2009, 2010, 2013; Parliament, 2002; Parliament, 2005).





IBO. (2009). DP Candidates with assessment access requirements.

IBO. (2011). General regulations: Diploma Programme.

IBO. (2010). Learning diversity in the International Baccalaureate programmes: Special educational needs within the International Baccalaureate programmes.

IBO. (2013). Meeting student learning diversity in the classroom.

IBO. (2014) General regulations: Middle Years Programme.

Lisakovsk Akimat’s Department of Education. (2010). The Project “Conception of development of the system of work with gifted children in the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

MES of the RK. (2011). Методические рекомендации по организации психолого-педагогического сопровождения детей с ограниченными возможностями.

Minow, M. (1990). Making all the difference: Inclusion, Exclusion, and American Law. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.

Parliament of the RK. (2002). Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan # 343 “On social and medical-pedagogical correctional support of children with limited abilities” from July, 11, 2002.  

Parliament of the RK. (2005). Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan # 39 “On social protection of handicaps” from April, 13, 2005.  

Rapatsevich, E.S. (2011). Contemporary dictionary on Pedagogy. Minsk, Modern Word.