Academic Honesty Policy


by the decision of “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” Autonomous Educational Organization’s Managing board

dated February 11, 2015

(Proceedings No.5)


The Rules for Compliance with Academic Honesty for the Students of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools


1. General Regulations


  1. The rules for compliance with academic honesty for the students of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (hereinafter – the Rules) were developed in accordance with the Development Strategy of "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" Autonomous Educational Organization until 2020. The strategy was approved by the decision of the High Board of Trustees of "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" Autonomous Educational Organization of April 18, 2013 (Proceedings No.2), the Charter of "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" Autonomous Educational Organization, the Statement of "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" Autonomous Educational Organization branch, which main function is educational activity (hereinafter - Intellectual Schools) and by other regulations of "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" Autonomous Educational Organization (hereinafter - AEO). The Rules establish the principles of academic honesty in the educational process, the rights and obligations of the members of the school community, determine the types of violations of academic honesty and procedures in case the violations are committed.
  2. The Rules aim to build an understanding of honesty and foster open, sincere and trusting relationships, as well as responsibility for developing honesty in life. Academic honesty is one of the key values in the education process of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools.
  3. The following concepts are used in the Rules:

1)        Academic honesty, or a set of principles of students’ conduct in the educational process that develops students’ personal integrity and responsibility for learning;

2)      Assessed work, or a  task:

- completed by the student during formative assessment, or an ongoing assessment conducted to determine students’ level of academic achievement within a certain period of learning (oral activity, written work, essay, field work, laboratory work, practical work, independent work, research work, project, etc.);

- completed by the student during summative, or final assessment (written work, tests, research work, project, etc.) conducted to determine students’ level of academic achievement within a certain period of learning (term, semester, year);

3) unassessed work, or a work completed by the student, which aims at academic and creative result, and is not to be assessed by teachers and persons of equivalent status (articles, projects, presentations, video and audio materials, hand-made works, etc.);

  1. Administration and tutors of the Intellectual School are obliged to inform students and their legal representatives on the present Rules in the following situations:

1)        with signed acknowledgement, when accepting applications for participation in the competitive selection;

2)        with signed acknowledgement, when submitting applications for enrolment in the Intellectual School;

3)        during parent-teacher meetings, school assemblies and tutor hours.

  1. The present Rules are obligatory for all members of the school community: administration, teaching staff, students, their legal representatives and other employees of the Intellectual Schools.
  2. For public awareness the Rules are posted in a prominent place in the Intellectual Schools, on the website of "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" Autonomous Educational Organization and websites of the Intellectual Schools.



2. The principles of academic honesty


  1. The main principles of academic honesty in the education process, which develop students’ personal honesty and responsibility for their learning:

1)        conscientiousness, or honest and decent completion of assessed and unassessed works;

2)        protection rights of the author and his successors, or the recognition of authorship and protection of works that are subject to copyright, by conveying the author’s language and thoughts correctly and referencing the information sources in assessed works;

3)        transparency, or openness, mutual trust, and open information and exchange of ideas between students and teachers and persons of the equivalent status;

4)        respect for students’ rights and freedoms, or students’ right to express opinions and ideas freely;

5)        equality, or each student’s responsibility to comply with the Rules and share equal responsibility for violating them.



3. Rights and obligations of the members of school community


  1. Students have the right to: 

1)        study the text of the Rules closely;

2)        openly express their opinions during the education process;

3)        have protection against unjustified accusations of violating the Rules and provide proof.

  1. Students are obliged to:

1)        study the Rules closely and know the consequences of their violation;

2)        strictly comply with academic honesty when completing assessed and unassessed works;

3)        convey another author’s speech and idea referring to the author, title and page number;

4)        provide a reference list at the end of the work;

5)        use credible and reliable sources of information;

6)        not to provide their assessed work to other students.

  1. Parents or other legal representatives of students are obliged to:

1) study the text of the Rules and know the consequences of violating them;

2) collaborate on their children’s compliance with the Rules and on regular basis have conversations with them on the importance of complying with the Rules.

  1. Teachers and persons of equivalent status are obliged to:

1)        raise awareness of the importance of academic honesty among parents;

2)        teach and support students in choosing credible and reliable sources;

3)        teach the ways of formatting footnotes, citations and lists of references;

4)        teach students the ways of formatting project works on paper, electronic and digital medium crediting authorship of all participants;

5)        teach students to express their own opinion in the education process;

6)        raise awareness of the importance of academic honesty among students prior to assessed work;

7)        prevent potential violation of the requirements of the Rules where possible;

8)        keep records of each violation case of the Rules;

9)        inform school administration and parents or other legal representatives in a written form on each case of Rules violation.

  1. School administration is obliged to:

1)        ensure that teachers and persons of equal status explain and clarify the Rules to students and their parents or their legal representatives;

2)        coordinate the work on taking measures indicated in the Rules in case of violation;

3)        control and monitor students’ academic honesty.



4. Types of violations


  1. The Rules distinguish between the following types of academic honesty violations:

1)  plagiarism:

-        submitting any material taken as the own work, in whole or in part, from other sources without citing or crediting the author;

2)  collusion:

-     completing any assessed task for another student;

3)  fraud:

-     copying an assessed work from other students; 

-     submitting the work that was previously assessed;

-     providing false excuses for failure or late submission of assessed work;

-     completing assessed work in two or more students, where group work was not specifically assigned as an option;

-     conscious assistance to other students; allowing the students to copy own assessed work;

-     submitting someone’s assessed works as their own;

4)       falsification of grades, assessment results and tasks answers: 

-     falsifying grades and results of the assessment;

-     falsifying data, or measurements and results of observation, survey, and other research tools while any research tasks;

-      deliberately forging or damaging other student’s academic work;

5)   receiving answer keys and assessed works in a dishonest way:

-     passing answers to other students during the assessment;

-     receiving assessment materials, in whole or in part, with the assistance of another student, teacher or persons of equivalent status prior to the assessment;

-     purchasing assessment works or other ways of obtaining it to represent them as your original work;

-     selling or other ways of assisting in the purchase and/or sale of assessed academic work;

6)  inappropriate use of information or devices:

-     using materials on electronic, digital, paper medium and other devices during the assessment, the use of which is banned by special regulations;

-     obtaining the answer keys in various ways, including downloading them from an e-mail, computer, etc.;

-     taking teachers’ materials relevant to assessed works on paper or electronic medium from the office and/or copying them from a computer.

  1.  The following examples of academic misconduct do not constitute an exhaustive list and can be supplemented as necessary.


5. The procedure for implementing measurements when the Rules are violated


  1. Violations of academic honesty can be identified:

1)        during formative,  or ongoing assessment;

2)        during summative, or final assessment;

3)        during the completion of unassessed works;

  1. In the case of plagiarism and collusion during the formative, or ongoing assessment of students' achievements:

1) the subject teacher registers the Act of Violation of the Rules using the form provided in the Appendix and conducts follow-up conversations with the students. The Act of Violation of the Rules with the relevant physical evidence and copies of the students’ works are passed to the tutor;

2) in repeated cases of violation, the subject teacher registers the Act of Violation of the Rules in the prescribed form and conducts a follow-up conversation with the student in the presence of the parent or another legal representative. The Act of Violation of the Rules with the relevant physical evidence and copies of the students’ works are passed to the tutor;

3) in the case of a systematic violation (three or more times), the subject teacher registers the Act of Violation of the Rules in the prescribed form. The Act of Violation of the Rules with the relevant physical evidence and copies of the students’ works are passed to the tutor. The tutor informs the student’s parent or another legal representative in writing on the violation. All the documents are passed to the Disciplinary Committee. 

17. In the case of fraud during the formative, or ongoing assessment of students' achievements:

1)        the subject teacher registers the Act of Violation of the Rules in the prescribed form, conducts a follow-up conversation with the student in the presence of a parent or another legal representative. The Act of Violation of the Rules with the relevant physical evidence and copies of the students’ works are passed to the tutor;

2)        a systematic violation (two or more times), the subject teacher registers the Act of Violation of the Rules in the prescribed form. The Act of Violation of the Rules with the relevant physical evidence and copies of the students’ works are passed to the tutor. The tutor informs the student’s parent or another legal representative in writing on the violation. All the documents are passed to the Disciplinary Committee. 

  1. In the case of falsification of grades, data and assessed work, obtaining the answer keys and assessed works in a dishonest way, and  inappropriate use of information or devices during the formative, or ongoing assessment of students' achievements:

            the subject teacher registers the Act of Violation of the Rules in the prescribed form. The Act of Violation of the Rules with the relevant physical evidence and copies of the students’ works are passed to the tutor. The tutor informs the student’s parent or another legal representative in writing on the violation. All the documents are passed to the Disciplinary Committee. 

  1. In the case of plagiarism, fraud, falsification of grades, data and assessed work, obtaining the answer keys and assessed works in a dishonest way, and inappropriate use of information or devices during the summative, or final assessment of students' achievements:

            the subject teacher or an officially assigned examiner registers the Act of Violation of the Rules in the prescribed form. The Act of Violation of the Rules with the relevant physical evidence and copies of the students’ works are passed to the tutor. The tutor informs the student’s parent or another legal representative in writing on the violation. All the documents are passed to the Disciplinary Committee. 

  1. In the case of plagiarism, fraud and data falsification when completing unassessed works, the subject teacher, tutor or parent conducts a follow-up conversation with the student.
  2. For students who have committed violations specified in paragraph 13 of the Rules, disciplinary measures will be applied as stipulated by the internal regulations for students of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, approved by the decision of the Board of "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" AEO.
  3. Organization of the work of the Disciplinary Committee is governed by the internal regulations of students in Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, approved by the decision of the Board of "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" AEO.


The Appendix

to the Rules for compliance with academic honesty for the students of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools






Teacher’s last name:


Telephone number:

The type of education activity:



Student’s name:___________________


School Grade:_________

The violation description (including date, time and place) (if necessary you can attach an additional paper):


The subject teacher’s or an officially assigned examiner’s signature and date:

                                                Underline the necessary

Student’s signature and date:



I have read the Act:

The parents’ or another legal representative’s signature


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