School life students

After spending 5 years in our school, we have noticed that with each year, the amount of students and teachers interested in anime, k-pop and chinese culture has steadily increased. That is why for our CAS project, we, the members of the “NISA Anime club”, in collaboration with the “7SPIRIT” k-pop group and the Japanese Culture Club, decided to celebrate the growing interest in East Asian Cultures on September 23rd of 2019. After thorough preparation and numerous rehearsals, we were able to organize the first “East Asian Culture Festival” in NISN history.

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Three Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools were awarded with certificates of CIS accreditation

In 2017, the traditional August conference in the autonomous educational organization "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" began with the solemn presentation of CIS certificates. Certificate of accreditation by the Council of International Schools (CIS) received three Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools in Semey, Ust-Kamenogorsk and Kokshetau.

Certificate of accreditation to Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Semey from the President of Nazarbayev University Shigeo Katsu got the Principal Bagdan Kaiyrzhanov, representative of the parents' committee Gulnar Kairkenova, chairman of the student committee Sagynali Akhmetkali. Accreditation certificate of Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Kokshetau was awarded to the Principal Zulfiya Urazbekova, the chairman of the parents' committee and the Gulzhauar Kabdenova and the chairman of the student committee Abai Kalymtay from the hands of the Director of pre-school and secondary education department of the Ministry of Education and Science Sholpan Karinova. Chairperson of the Board of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" Kulyash Shamshidinova congratulated on the great achievement the Principal of Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Ust-Kamenogorsk Kulfarida Raisova, a representative of the parents' committee Erkin Kassymov and the chairman of the student committee Zhansaya Oralbekova.

The new status of Intellectual schools means new perspectives for the entire teaching staff and students.

CIS is the most famous organization in the world, which is established to promote higher standards and the latest achievements in the field of education. At present, the prestigious club consists of leading schools and educational complexes from many countries. It cooperates with top 50 universities in the world who are interested in graduates of accredited schools.

The procedure of accreditation presupposes a long and large-scale process, which is completed by a direct inspection at the school. This spring the authoritative CIS team of accredited schools representatives from the USA, England, Germany, Russia, Jordan, Azerbaijan, Lebanon have worked for several days in Semey, Ust-Kamenogorsk and Kokshetau, analyzing and evaluating management, training of teachers, organization of educational process and school life in general. "Life Values", "Teaching and Learning", "Management and Leadership", "The teaching and support staff", "Access to teaching and learning", "Operating Systems" as well as knowledge of foreign languages – according to all these standards Intellectual Schools meet the strictest criteria at world level.

Five Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools have already been accredited. It is planned that during the forthcoming academic year eight more schools will receive international accreditation, and until 2019 all Intellectual schools will be accredited. 

The entry of Intellectual schools into a world-class elite organization will be a landmark event for the whole educational system in the country.

List of pupils who quailified the first-round of selection for settling in a hostel for 2017-2018 years

List of pupils who quailified the first-round of selection for settling in a hostel for 2017-2018 years:

  • Cулейменова Жанайым
  • Абдрахманов Айтуар Қанатұлы
  • Абылай Дінмұамбет Абылайұлы
  • Адине Данияр Маратұлы
  • Аманжол Жарқын Қуандықұлы
  • Аманкелдиұлы Ғабдулла
  • Аманкелді Аружан Мұратқызы
  • Ахметова Жазира Аскарбековна
  • Байғазы Райлан Ермекұлы
  • Баймулдинова Амина Адийевна
  • Бегасилова Жулдыз Шыңғысқызы
  • Бекқали Айдана Досымқызы
  • Берекетов Қанат Қайратұлы
  • Буланова Мадина Бекжановна
  • Дайрабаев Даниал Нурманович
  • Даулетхожанова Айдана Адлетовна
  • Дәуітбек Құралай
  • Дәулетжанқызы Ақбота
  • Джолмашева Бахтыжан Аргынқызы
  • Дуйсек Аманжан  Есенұлы
  • Дюсенов Арлан Аскарович
  • Елшібек Тамирис Елшібекқызы
  • Ергали Данияр Тореханұлы
  • Ергали Олжас Тореханулы
  • Есенбек Салтанат Махсатқызы
  • Ескермесова Айымжан Әлібекқызы
  • Әбдірахман Айдар Мерекеұлы
  • Жанузакова Данира Рушановна
  • Жәнібекұлы Жақсыбек
  • Жолдыбаева Томирис Рахметжанқызы
  • Жүніс Ербол Мақсатұлы
  • Исмагамбетова Аяна Нурланқызы
  • Калибаев Абзал Бауыржанович
  • Кабашев Жаксылык Темирбекұлы
  • Кабдигалиева Жанель Ербулатовна
  • Кабиев Райымбек Нурманулы
  • Канкожаева Жазира Рустемовна
  • Караулов Алдияр Канатұлы
  • Каримова Тамила Жанибекқызы
  • Касымханова Талжан Муратовна
  • Келимбетова Диана Нурлановна
  • Кеңес Айғаным Айдарқызы
  • Қайрат Алтай Мұхтарұлы
  • Қайриден Алида Ғұмарқызы
  • Қайсар Рамазан Серікұлы
  • Қапсаланова Әмина Қарсыбайқызы
  • Қарталова Перизат Сағнайқызы
  • Қуаныш Інкәр Еркебуланқызы
  • Макулбекова Амина Адилжановна
  • Маратқызы Әдина
  • Меллат Дармен Меллатұлы
  • Мизам Дарина Кыдырбаевна
  • Миңкебай Данагүл Мейрамқызы
  • Мұнайтпас Арайлым Дауренқызы
  • Мұратұлы Данияр
  • Мұхаммед-Рахым Әлина Ерұланқызы
  • Мырзабекқызы Гаухар
  • Нурпеисова Асель Ерлановна
  • Ныгыметова Мадина Нурболқызы
  • Оримбасар Нұрдәулет Нұрғалиұлы
  • Ошанова Анель Жақыпжановна
  • Рамазанова Зарина Беркутовна
  • Сабитов Нурас Арсенулы
  • Сағыныш Жансұлу Жұмабекқызы
  • Сайпова Карина Абдрашитова
  • Сакенқызы Нұрдана
  • Серікбаев Тамирлан Әмірұлы
  • Смаилова Томирис Канатқызы
  • Сүлеймен Темірлан Алмасұлы
  • Сыпабек Аружан Ермекқызы
  • Тасбулатова Айдана Муратовна
  • Темірғалиева Аружан Талғатбекқызы
  • Тойболған Айсұлтан Аңсағанұлы
  • Токкожанова Асель Маратовна
  • Турсымат Өміржан Рахымжанұлы
  • Турсынбай Жанаия Бахытбекқызы
  • Тұрсынбек Дәурен Аманжолұлы
  • Хан Александра Александровна
  • Хегай Елена Дмитриевна
  • Шалабаева Инара Меремжановна



  • Қатбек Арсен Ерланұлы
  • Жанай Малика Алматқызы
  • Байкенова Томирис Алданышевна
  • Биахмет Әмина Ерланқызы
  • Джалдыгараева Ажар Орынбасарқызы
  • Мерген Гүлзи Елтайқызы
  • Рамазанова Сана Еркиновна


The August meeting began on the basis of NIS

On the basis of Nazarbayev Intellectual and pilot schools there are sectional sessions on renewal the content of education. In total, over twenty thousand teachers gathered in the big pedagogical council in the republic.

In accordance with the schedule defined by the State Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020, in the forthcoming academic year a new model of secondary education will be introduced in all first, second, fifth, seventh classes of the republic. Therefore, the main theme of the August meeting is the features of the curricula of the renewed content on subjects in the 2nd, 5th, and 7th grades.

Teachers and staff of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School Centers, as well as teachers of pilot schools, will conduct trainings and master classes on the specifics of the renewed content, the features of the criterial evaluation system and the features of teaching in the primary school. It is planned to devote practical classes to a new format of the modern lesson and the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies.

Particular attention will be paid to the high-quality methodological support of the educational process, which involves prompt feedback between the pedagogical and parental community.

Exactly a week later at the plenary session of the republican August conference, a large exhibition of Intellectual schools will be organized, where the entire methodological base and teaching materials for methodological support of the country's teachers will be presented. It is planned to demonstrate the "System-Methodical Complex".

The August conference of the autonomous educational organization "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" will open in Astana on August 18.