Frequently asked questions

1. What educational programs are being implemented at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Nur-Sultan?
The school implements the educational program of the International Baccalaureate, which is focused on the achievement of specific learning goals by students, is aimed at the formation of a certain amount of knowledge, the development of subject skills and skills of a wide range for their application in solving educational and life problems.
2. Features of the organization of school life?
The educational process at school is carried out on a "full day" basis. And also, there is a semester study. The duration of the 1st semester from September to December and the 2nd semester from January to June. For students, there are medium semester and inter-semester vacations. The duration of the lessons is 60 minutes.
3. How is the evaluation system organized?
The main purpose of assessment is to improve and maintain the student's learning. Criteria assessment determines academic achievement according to criteria based on the objectives and content of the subject. The description of the level of achievement for each criterion provides information on what the student has achieved and what is needed for improvement. The criterion-based assessment system includes formative, ascertaining, internal and external assessment.
7-point grading system is a grading system required by the IB, according to which the level of achievement of the student is determined, and which is converted into a 5-point scale.
Formative Assessment (Ongoing) - Assessment for learning, providing the student with feedback on the current level of knowledge and skills in the course of daily work to prepare students for the ascertaining assessment. In basic school (MYP) does not have a corrective function and does not count towards grades for the semester and year. In high school (DP) has a corrective function and assesses the current level of achievement of the student in accordance with curricula and unit plans.
Ascertaining assessment (summative) is an assessment that is carried out by teachers to determine the level of knowledge and skills that students have developed.
Internal assessment is an assessment of the educational achievement of students according to the criteria established by the IB, which is carried out by the teachers of the Intellectual School.   
External Assessment is the procedure for assessing student work at the end of the DP program, which is developed and regulated by the IB.
In order to administer the educational process of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Nur-Sultan, the school uses the Out of 7 system.
4. What is the Diploma program?
Educational programme consists of six-subject groups and three main components: “Extended Essay” (EE); and “Theory of Knowledge” (TOK),  “Creativity, Action and Service” (CAS).
Writing the Extended Essay is compulsory for all Diploma Programme students. It is a research work written in not more than 4000 words on a chosen subject, and it requires high level of organizational and research skills.
Theory of knowledge is an interdisciplinary subject, which is developing critical thinking and analysis of various information skills.
Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) is aiming to develop creativity and social activities of students. Participation in a project helps students to develop such important qualities as attentiveness, solicitude and teamwork skills. CAS brings up such skills in students as ability to realize, assess and take an active part in life outside the school.
Students choose six subjects from six-subject groups. Three subjects are usually studied on high level and other three subjects- on standard level.
 In April, 2013 School received Diploma Programme authorization of International Baccalaureate.  The school began teaching and learning within the framework of the programme in September 2013 and the process involves universal training course for high school students aged 16-18 for entering world’s leading universities. Diploma Programme is recognized by leading universities around the world.
5. What subjects are studied in high school (DP)?
In the Diploma Programme, learning in English and the school offers the following subjects:
Group 1. Language A: Kazakh (SL), Russian (SL and HL) and English (SL).
Group 2. Language B: English (HL)
Group 3. Contemporary history of Kazakhstan (HL), World History (SL и HL), ITGS (Information Technologies in Global Society) (SL и HL), Economics (SL и HL), Anthropology (SL и HL), Geography (SL и HL).
Group 4. Physics (SL и HL), Biology (SL и HL) and Chemistry (SL и HL), Computer Science (SL и HL).
Group 5. Mathematics: analysis and approaches (SL и HL) and Mathematics: applications and interpretation (SL и HL).                                     
Group 6. Arts (SL и HL), Film (SL и HL).
For more information, please follow the: 
6. What subjects are studied from grade 7 to 10?
The Middle Years Programme is designed to guide students in search of awareness of their role in nature and social space. The programme provides self-preparation for the studying in Diploma Programme IB. The school offers the following subjects in the MYP:
Group 1. Language A: Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
Group 2. Language B: Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
Group 3. Humanities: in the state language- Basics of social sciences (7-8 grades), History of Kazakhstan  (9-10 grades), Geography  (9-10 grades);  in English - Social studies (7-8 grades), World History (9-10 grades), Economics (9-10 grades).
Group 4. Science: Integrated Sciences, Biology, Physics and Chemistry..
Group 5. Mathematics. 
Group 6. Art: Fine Arts and Drama.
Group 7. Design.
Group 8. Physical culture in the state language.
For more information visit the IB website :
7. What is unique of IB??
One of the few internationally recognized educational programs, providing continuing education for children from 3 to 19 years. More than 35 years the program has a reputation for providing high quality education. One of the basic concepts of programming is the development of IB students' international awareness through the formation of national identity and patriotism. The educational process in the IB aims to develop a positive attitude toward learning. Pupils learn to ask complicated questions, to think critically, develop research skills and participate in public works.
8. How is the learning and teaching of Kazakh, Russian and English as a second language carried out?
Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Nur-Sultan, which implements the programs of the International Baccalaureate, provides learning  in Kazakh, Russian and English. Kazakh is the State language, the mastery of which is the duty of every member of the school community, Russian is the language of inter-ethnic communication, and English is an important language for integration into the world community. The second languages are taught according to the language phases.
Language phases - language learning stages.
You can get acquainted in detail in the Language Policy of the branch «Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Nur-Sultan» АEО « Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools»*
9. What educational documents are issued to graduates of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Nur Sultan?
Upon completion of Basic School (Grade 10), students receive a Basic School Graduation Certificate.
In their final year, High School students take part in the External Assessment of the International Baccalaureate. Based on the results of the External Assessment of the International Baccalaureate, students are awarded with International Diplomas or Certificates. In the presence of high results of the Diploma, students have the opportunity to enter national or foreign universities without passing additional exams.
According to the rules of the Criteria for Assessment of the Academic Achievements of Students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Nur-Sultan, students are issued with High School Graduation Certificates.
The results of the External Assessment of the International Baccalaureate are translated into the certificate of the Unified National Testing.
Dear friends, on the school website there is detailed information in the sections: “About us”, “Our team”, “Our rules”, “School life”, “Career guidance” and “Media”.
Welcome to Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Nur-Sultan!